This time of the year is traditionally a busy season for home sales. Be sure that if you are buying a new home you don’t overlook the hidden system of wires that surrounds you in the home.

“Curb appeal, location, floor plans, schools, even the kitchen countertops and window treatments are the things everyone thinks about first,” says Jude Canchola, Residential Services Manager at Owen Electric. “A home’s electrical system—the wiring, outlets, light switches—isn’t flashy stuff, but it’s something that every home uses constantly and is vitally important.”

Canchola says you should always have a licensed electrical inspector thoroughly check out any home you’re buying, especially if it’s older. “You just want to make sure the electrical system is up to snuff because the last thing you want is have an electrical fire in your new home,” HE/SHE says.

During an inspection, the electrical professional will:

  • Make sure all the electrical components are working safely.
  • Identify any problem areas/wiring mistakes or problems associated with older wiring.
  • Identify any fire or safety hazards. These include frayed, exposed or damaged wires as well as inside and outside receptacles not protected with arc- or ground-fault circuit interrupters and tamper-resistant outlet electrical receptacles.
  • Help you meet insurance risk assessment inspection requirements.

Once you have moved into your new home, there’s still some homework to do.

  • Make sure all circuits in the service panel are labeled correctly for the rooms or major appliance they serve.
  • Make sure adults and teenagers in the home familiarize themselves with the service panel and know how to work the circuit breakers or replace fuses.
  • Make sure everyone knows which is the master power switch. While you’re at it, make sure everyone knows the locations of the main shut-off valves for the water and gas lines and how to use them.
  • Make sure the lightbulbs you’re using are the correct wattage for the fixtures. If the wattage is higher than recommended, the wiring in the fixture may be damaged from the excessive heat.


Sources: Electrical Safety Foundation, Indiana Connection